Fallow Maroon Bellied Conure Young Pairs Available For Sale
Posted by Wattle Grove Aviaries (Wattle Grove NSW 2173, NSW) on 18-Nov-24 03:21 PM AEST
To reply to this advertisement email wattlegroveaviaries@gmail.com
I have available some Fallow Maroon Bellied Conure Young Pairs For Sale.
Some Single Cock Birds Available as well.
All DNA Sexed
Some 2022 Bred and Some 2023 Parent Raised Cocks and Hens Available.
Fallow with a normal split Fallow.
$400 per pair
Please Phone Patrick on 0467 20 30 40
Or Email: wattlegroveaviariesgmail.com
Located at Wattle Grove NSW 2173
Will Freight Australia Wide at buyers expense