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Scarlet Macaw (Ara macao) Videos


Posted by Priam Australia (Bungendore, Canberra, NSW) on 10-Dec-24 10:03 AM AEST
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Scarlet Macaw (Ara macao)
Individuals $7,800


Contact us at
Phone: 0421383051

Photographs are of birds bred, raised and managed at PPC R&B but are not necessarily the individuals on offer.

All birds are Microchipped, DNA sexed, and have MTRs (the Federal Australian Government Movement Transaction Record).

The birds sold at Priam Psittaculture Centres Research & Breeding (PPC R&B) facility are bred, reared and managed sustainably on site at PPC R&B. Birds leave PPC R&B weaned physically and psychologically. All birds are in ideal feather and health.

PPC R&B is an Australian Government approved animal research establishment. PPC R&B also manages Australias first CITES Registered Appendix I Captive Breeding Program and is a welfare accredited Zoo & Aquarium Association (ZAA) member. Proceeds of sales are invested back into PPC R&B and projects such as the NSW Saving Our Species, Smoky Mouse Acclimatisation Enclosure & the Orange Bellied Parrot Recovery Program.

PPC R&B also collaborates on threatened species projects with the National Threatened Species Institute:

If you would like to discuss husbandry information and/or purchase details,
phone PPC R&B: 0421 383 051
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- Also available: Harrisons Bird Food, Pretty Bird, Hand-rearing Mixes, Nuts & Seeds, Supplement Products and Incubation Equipment go to for items stocked

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